- Secure online booking
- No credit or debit card fees
- ABTA & ATOL Protected
- Over 1 million travellers
- Making a Booking
- Tickets
- Prices
- Taxes and Charges
- Payment
- Travel Documents
- Advance Passenger Information
- Insurance
- Children
- Expectant Mums
- Fitness to Fly
- Special Assistance
- Carriage of Animals
- Additional Services
- Scheduled Departure Times
- Check-in and Boarding
- Baggage Charges and Allowances
- Baggage Restrictions
- Right to Refuse Baggage
- Right to Search
- Collection and Delivery of Checked-in Baggage
- Removed Items of Baggage
- Conduct on Board Aircraft and at Airport and Safety
- Refusal to Carry and Removal of Passengers
- Change my booking
- Cancellation, rerouting, delays
- Aircraft
- Cancellation by you
- Denied Boarding
- Our Liability
- Notice of Claims
- Time Limits
- Choice of law and jurisdiction
- Use of my data
- How to contact us
- Amendments
- Meaning of expressions
1. Making a Booking
You must be aged 18 years or over to make a booking with us.
The person making the booking is classed as the “lead name” in any booking which includes more than one person. Where you are the lead name you guarantee to us that you have the authority to accept (and do accept) these Terms and Conditions (and our Regulations and Policies) for each person named in your booking and that you have drawn these Terms and Conditions to their attention. You will be the primary contact with us and will accept any communications/correspondence from us (or our suppliers) on behalf of your entire party.
If your booking has been paid for by another person on your behalf, we are entitled to assume that such person is authorised by you to deal with us on your behalf in relation to all matters concerning your booking (including, but not limited to, cancellation or flight changes). If you wish to cancel or restrict that authority, it is your responsibility to notify us in writing.
At the time of booking, you must provide us with your contact details and you must ensure that all names on the booking are identical to the names in the passports. Failure to do so will result in additional charges being levied These details must include a mobile number and a contact number whilst you are abroad so that we or our authorised agent can inform you of any changes, amendments, delays or cancellations which may apply to your booking. If you fail to meet this obligation and we cannot reach you, we will not be liable to you or anyone else in your booking for any loss or expense you and they incur because of a lack of information from us about such a change, amendment, delay or cancellation.
In the event that you or any person on your booking attempts to deceive us, makes a fraudulent payment or provides fraudulent information at any point in relation to a booking, we reserve the right to, among other things, cancel the booking without any refund.
We strongly recommend all passengers travelling put in place appropriate personal travel insurance from the date of booking. Jet2.com offers personal travel insurance to cover you whilst on your holiday and also cancellation cover should you be unable to travel. Customers can purchase a policy on-line via the link on the “Travel Extras” page on our website or by visiting www.jet2insurance.com.
All flight bookings are made with us, Jet2.com Limited. All bookings for other products or services (e.g. car hire, insurance, accommodation) are made with the relevant third party supplier of those services and not with us as we act only as their agent. Of course, those suppliers will have their own terms and conditions which govern the supply to you of their products/services (in addition to our own Terms and Conditions). Those terms and conditions will apply to you and each person in your booking. This is because you will have a separate contract with each supplier. Please ensure that you have read the terms and conditions of the relevant suppliers (available by clicking the following hyperlinks: www.jet2carhire.com; www.jet2transfers.com; www.jet2insurance.com😉 before you complete your booking (as well as these Terms and Conditions).
All products shown on www.Jet2.com are not an offer by us, but represent an invitation for you to make an offer to us or our suppliers to purchase a product on displayed terms. You make this offer when you click “Complete Booking” during the booking process. We are able to accept or reject any such offers on our own behalf where we are acting as principal, or on behalf of our suppliers where we are acting as their disclosed agent.
After you have made your booking we will send you an e-mail confirming acceptance and it is at this time that a binding contract comes into existence between you and us and between you and our suppliers (as applicable). Please check your confirmation e-mail very carefully. If there are any discrepancies or it is not what you think you booked, please contact our call centre immediately and no later than within 24 hours of booking to discuss. Jet2.com accepts no responsibility for non-receipt of emails which will be sent to the email address provided by the “lead name”. It is your responsibility to contact us if you do not receive an expected email regarding a booking confirmation.
There is also an option of receiving a text alert with summary confirmation details which can be used to check-in for your flight. This option can be selected during the initial booking process and the message will be sent to the mobile number entered at the time of making your booking. As outlined in section 1.9, please check your confirmation very carefully and contact our call centre immediately if there are any discrepancies or if it is not received. This text alert is only valid for your initial booking and all subsequent changes made to your booking will be notified by email or phone call. Jet2.com accepts no responsibility for non-receipt of texts, incomplete texts, change of telephone number or other loss or damage as a result of force majeure or your own negligent act or omission.
From time to time we sell flights which are restricted to return flights only, a specified number of nights and/or departing only from specified airports. In such cases one-way bookings are not allowed and any booking found not to comply with the relevant restrictions will be cancelled. For example, all bookings made for flights to North America must be return flights originating from the UK and must be of a 4 night duration only.
2. Tickets
All bookings (whether for flights or otherwise) are non-refundable and non-transferable. When you have made your booking you will be issued with a confirmation email, and also a summary text alert if you have requested one in accordance with section 1.10 above, both of which detail your itinerary and confirmation number. You need to quote this number at check-in in order to travel. The number is valid for the flight(s) booked or as subsequently amended. We do not accept liability for any misuse of your confirmation number. Please keep it safe.
If your booking is made on a third party website, such as Expedia or On the Beach, there will be an additional online check-in charge to pay. This will be advertised on Jet2.com’s website when you check-in online.
3. Prices
All prices displayed are subject to change without notice before a booking is confirmed. Air fares do not include transfers to and from your departure airports. Most online discounts and promotional fares are not available for bookings made through our call centre. Base fare(s), taxes and charges are payable in the currency in which they are published.
Please note that sessions on our website reservation system will “time out” after 20 minutes if you do not proceed to getting your booking confirmed. Where you have logged in and/or provided your email address at that stage, we may contact you by email to let you know that the booking did not complete, in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.
Until your booking is confirmed and payment effected, the seats you have selected have not been removed from the Jet2.com seat inventory. If those seats are no longer available at the time you select “Confirm Booking”, a message will be displayed telling you this and you will have to re-select a new fare for those seats, subject to availability. If you have used our “shopping basket” facility and the seats you originally selected are no longer available by the time you select “Confirm Booking”, you will automatically be offered seats at the next available price, subject to availability.
If the price of your flight drops after your booking has been made you will not be eligible for a refund.
4. Taxes and Charges
Any taxes or charges imposed by a governmental or other authority, including the operator of an airport, which we are obliged to collect from you or to pay in respect of you and your flight/carriage, will be payable by you to us in addition to the fare.
When you book, the total amount of such taxes and charges are included in the advertised price payable by you. A breakdown of the applicable taxes and charges will also be clearly shown when a specific flight is selected.
The taxes and charges mentioned in section 4.1 are constantly changing and may be imposed or increased after the date that your booking is confirmed. If any such tax or charge is introduced or increased after confirmation of your booking you are obliged to pay an extra amount to us to cover the additional tax or charge before departure. Failure to pay this may affect your ability to be flown by us.
5. Payment
You must pay for your booking in full when a confirmed booking is made. If valid payment in full is not made when the booking is confirmed, we may at any time prior to check-in cancel your booking. Should any monies be owed to us at any time for flights or items purchased on board, we reserve the right to cancel your booking until such time as any outstanding debts have been paid in full. Where any refund is due in respect of any booking, it will be paid only to the person who paid for the booking.
6. Travel Documents
Please make sure that the name on your booking confirmation email matches exactly your name as printed on your passport (for international flights) or on your other permitted identification document (for UK domestic flights), failing which you may be charged for correcting any mistake. Remember, when you are the lead name, you must also check the correctness of the exact names for the other members of your booked party.
Remember, when you are the lead name, you will need to check the exact names for the other members of your booked party.
You are responsible for making sure you have all relevant visas, entry and exit, health and/or other documents that may be required and, if requested by us, you must present all such documents to us and permit us to make copies thereof. We are not liable if you do not possess the travel and other documents needed for your journey or have not obeyed all relevant requirements concerning entry into a country, and we assume no responsibility to you if we check your travel documents.
Applicable requirements may change from time to time and you should make sure you have up-to-date information. If in doubt, you should check with the relevant country’s Embassy, consulate or other relevant body both before booking and again before travelling.
If you are refused entry to a country, whether because of lack of required documents or otherwise and, as a result, we are required by any governmental or immigration authority to transport you out of such country and/or pay any fine, penalty, other charge, or expense, you must reimburse us in full and pay us for such transport at the applicable fare. Please note if this happens, we will not reimburse the amount you have paid for any flights you have used, tried to use, or are unable to use, as a result of your failure to meet applicable requirements.
You shall submit to all security checks and requirements of governmental, airport, police, security, military personnel and us. We reserve the right to refuse carriage to anyone (and/or their baggage) who has not complied with, or whose documents do not appear to comply with, such checks and requirements.
7. Advance Passenger Information
In many countries, advance information about passengers is required to be transmitted to their governmental authorities. You will meet any request received from us for personal information we need to meet such requirements and shall ensure that all such information, and all other information about you supplied to us at any time, is accurate and correct and remains so. Failure by you to meet Advance Passenger Information obligations may result in you being denied carriage.
8. Insurance
We strongly recommend you take out personal travel insurance at the time of booking. Among other things, this can cover you where you are unable to use your booking, or where the actual value or replacement cost of your checked baggage or unchecked baggage exceeds our liability in respect of loss, damage or delay.
Jet2.com offers personal travel insurance to cover you whilst on your holiday and also cancellation cover should you be unable to travel. Customers can purchase a policy on-line via the link on the “Travel Extras” page on our website or by visiting www.jet2insurance.com.
9. Children
9.1 Infants
The minimum age of an infant we can carry is 14 days after birth but this is subject to our discretion, dependent on the specific circumstances. Infants aged under 2 years old at the date of departure of each flight sector may travel seated on the lap of an adult responsible for that infant on payment of an administration charge only. The full adult fare must be paid for infants aged 2 or more years old.
9.2 Unaccompanied children
We accept unaccompanied children aged 14 or over at the date of departure provided the booking is made by a person aged 18 or over.
10. Expectant Mums
We are not able to carry expectant mothers who are 34 or more weeks pregnant at the date of departure of their flight, including the date of return flights. Expectant mothers who are between 28 and 34 weeks pregnant need to provide us with a Fitness to Fly Certificate issued by their Doctor or Midwife confirming their stage of pregnancy and that they are fit to fly, failing which we reserve the right to refuse carriage. This certificate needs to be dated within 7 days of the outbound date of travel and 16 days of the inbound date of travel.
11. Fitness to Fly
It is your responsibility to ensure you are medically fit to travel and fly. Please remember that this covers your whole journey, both the duration of the flight and also the period you may be in transit through the departure and arrival airports and any unforeseen delays or diversions. If you have any doubt as to your fitness to fly you must seek medical advice and follow any advice provided regarding the use of medication for your journey. We reserve the right to request a fitness to fly certificate.
If you fall ill during your flight and the crew have genuine and urgent concerns about your wellbeing, we may need to divert the aircraft to land at the nearest airfield in order that you can leave the aircraft to receive medical treatment.
If we believe this is necessary you will not refuse to leave the aircraft upon being requested to do so by the captain and, if you became ill aboard the aircraft we reserve the right to require you to pay to us the cost of expenses paid by us in treating you aboard an aircraft, transporting you on the ground, and paying for treatment provided by a third party on the ground. We also reserve the right to require that you reimburse any extra costs we incur that are associated with any medical diversion. We may apply towards payment due to us from you the value of any unused carriage you have paid for, in which event such carriage shall be cancelled.
We strongly recommend all passengers travelling put in place appropriate personal travel insurance from the date of booking. Jet2.com offers personal travel insurance to cover you whilst on your holiday and also cancellation cover should you be unable to travel. Customers can purchase a policy on-line via the link on the “Travel Extras” page on our website or by visiting www.jet2insurance.com.
12. Special Assistance
If you require special assistance for you or a member of your party (e.g. use of a wheelchair) you must tell us before you book so that we can make sure appropriate arrangements can be made before you commit to the booking. Failure to notify us in advance may mean that assistance is not available. We will do our very best to provide the required assistance, but some services may be limited. If the special assistance needs (including carriage of guide dogs) of customers on the same flight create conflicting health issues, we reserve the right to decide how the conflict shall be resolved. For details of how to book special assistance, view our FAQ section on Medical and Special Assistance by clicking here.
In any event we will only accept up to a maximum of three electric mobility devices on a single flight, which shall be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Furthermore, we will not accept any mobility device with an unladen weight in excess of 100kg. In the event we are unable to accept a mobility device due to either of these reasons, no refund of the flight fare will be available. A date change will be offered in accordance with, and including the additional charges set out in, clause 25.
13. Carriage of Animals
Except where national rules in the country you are travelling to do not permit it, we are pleased to carry registered assistance dogs free of charge on all flights when accompanying a passenger with appropriate disabilities. If a registered assistance dog is to be carried please contact our dedicated Assistance team on +44 (0) 800 408 5591 or +44 (0) 203 059 8337 so that appropriate arrangements can be made (open Mon – Fri 09:00 – 21:00 and Sat 09:00 – 18:00). You agree that you assume full responsibility for any guide dog and accept that we are not liable for injury to or loss, delay, sickness or death of any assistance dog unless caused by our negligence.
We may ask for confirmation that your dog has been trained by a recognised dog training organisation in the UK which is a member of Assistance Dogs UK. Any assistance dog will also need to comply with the rules of the Pet Travel Scheme.
With the exception of registered assistance dogs accompanying a passenger, no animals are permitted to be carried in the cabin.
14. Additional Services
14.1 Seat Selection
For a small extra charge you may select your preferred seats online. Note that, in accordance with Civil Aviation Authority requirements, emergency exit seats are only suitable for able-bodied adults (aged 14 years or over). Further information can be found via the following link: https://www.caa.co.uk/Passengers/On-board/Seating-allocation/. Seat selection charges may be refunded where there has been a change of aircraft or for reasons of force majeure. From time to time for operational, safety or security reasons we may need to assign or re-assign seats, even after boarding the aircraft. Therefore we can not always guarantee your seat selection. Should you change the date of your flight booking seat selection charges which have previously been paid are non-refundable and the selected seats are non-transferable to your new flight date.
14.2 Meals and Refreshments
The content of hot meals may vary and, in addition to availability, cannot always be guaranteed. If you order a hot meal as part of your booking, the price paid is non-refundable. However, if you change the date of your flight, your meal will automatically transfer to the date of the new flight provided at least 96 hours prior notice has been given.
15. Scheduled Departure Times
We do not wish to inconvenience customers but unfortunately sometimes changes to scheduled flight times may be required for operational or technical reasons outside our control. For that reason times shown are not guaranteed and may be varied.
Please ensure you re-check your flight itinerary on our website or via our call centre between 72 and 24 hours before you are due to travel to make sure you have not missed any changes. We (or our authorised agent) will always try to notify you of any changes using the contact details provided in your booking where we have sufficient time before departure. You are ultimately responsible for ensuring that you have checked your flight details.
16. Check-in and Boarding
If you have baggage to check-in and/or have not checked in on-line you must present yourself for check-in no later than the minimum check-in time shown on your itinerary or at least 2 hours before your departure time, whichever is the earlier. These check-in times vary by airport so please do check your itinerary carefully. You must allow sufficient time after check-in to proceed through security, customs and immigration in order to present yourself at the boarding gate prior to the deadline specified in section 16.6.
If you are travelling with hand baggage only and have checked in on-line, you can proceed straight to security. Please allow sufficient time to clear this process prior to your flight.
If you have pre-selected your seats on-line and have a valid EU passport you may check-in online, unless otherwise advised at the time. This can be done between 28 days and 5 hours before your scheduled departure date and time. For some routes this can be done up to 4 hours before the scheduled departure.
We may suspend on-line check-in from time to time. If this is the case you will need to check-in at the airport as explained above.
Unless otherwise specified in your itinerary, check-in closes 40 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time of the relevant flight. Failure to present yourself for check-at the time stated in section 16.1 and to complete check-in before check-in closes will result in your reservation being cancelled and you will not be eligible for any refund.
Once you have proceeded through security and immigration you must ensure that you present yourself for boarding at the correct gate at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. If you fail to do so we reserve the right to cancel your reservation.
If you do not appear to possess the correct travel documentation or do not meet all relevant requirements of these Terms and Conditions, you will not be allowed to travel. It is very important to note that any failure by you to submit or present information required in relation to Advanced Passenger Information regulations will result in your not being allowed to travel.
Once you have checked-in (whether on-line or in person at the airport) you may not change your booking in any way.
17. Baggage Charges and Allowances
17.1 Hand/cabin baggage
You may carry on board one piece of unchecked cabin baggage free of charge which must be no more than 10kg in weight and no larger than 56cmx45cmx25cm. Should your cabin baggage be larger than these dimensions or weigh in excess of 10kg, you must check this in as hold baggage for which there will be an additional charge which you must pay. You may also be permitted to bring an additional, small item of cabin baggage on board (such as a handbag, laptop bag or airport purchase) provided that such items can be reasonably carried on board, either in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you. These items are carried in the cabin subject to our discretion and applicable operational requirements.
Any alcohol brought on board by you must not be consumed during the flight.
With all hand/cabin baggage (including airport purchases) we reserve the right to require that it must be stored in the aircraft hold where there isn’t enough space in the cabin or due to any other operational requirements (in which case there will be no charge unless it exceeds the size or weight requirements referred to above). In such circumstances you must ensure that all valuable items are removed and kept with you in the cabin.
Subject to availability, you can pre-book “guaranteed cabin baggage” for an extra charge, and if you have purchased this service, you will not be asked to put your hand baggage in the hold (unless it exceeds the weight and size requirements detailed above or operational requirements apply).
If we require your guaranteed cabin baggage to go into the hold for operational requirements, you can contact customer services to arrange a refund for any charges which you have paid for this service.
17.2 Checked-in Baggage
If you wish to check-in baggage for carriage in the hold of the aircraft, we levy a charge for this which will be notified at the time of booking and which may vary depending on the length of the flight and when and how you purchase your booking. If you have selected on-line check and choose to take a checked in item, an on-line check in fee will be charged to cover the cost of the baggage check-in facility at the airport. Upon payment of the relevant per bag charge you will have a baggage allowance for one bag of 22kg. If you need additional bag(s), you must pay the relevant per bag charge for each additional bag you wish to carry, and your personal allowance will increase by 22kg per additional bag purchased. If you would like to add baggage for just one sector of your journey, you may do so via Manage My Booking (however please note this can only be done following the confirmation of your booking (i.e. your booking referenced has been issued)). No single bag may weigh more than 32kg. Please note that infants traveling on a responsible adult’s lap do not have any free baggage allowance.
If you arrive at the airport with baggage to check-in that you have not pre-booked online, you will be liable to pay an additional charge as advised at the time of checking-in.
If your baggage weighs more than your allowance permits then you will have to pay (in addition) an excess baggage charge for each extra kg (or part) carried above your allowance which will be advised at the time of payment at the departure airport.
Golf clubs and skis may be pre-booked on-line, through our call centre or airport sales desks subject to payment of the relevant extra charge. For all other “outsize” items you must advise our call centre in advance of travel and extra charges may apply. Examples of outsize items are things such as pushchairs, travel cots, child car seats, musical instruments, wheelchairs (subject to Special Assistance rules), and sporting equipment.
We can carry sporting equipment up to a maximum per item weight of 32kg.
The carriage of excess baggage above your permitted allowance and outsize items is strictly subject to availability of space on the relevant aircraft (as well as applicable safety, health, security and operational constraints) and therefore cannot always be guaranteed for carriage on the same aircraft as you. If such items cannot be carried on the same flight as you are travelling we will carry them on the next suitably available flight.
All current baggage charges are either notified at time of booking on-line or are available through our call centre. Bookings made via third party websites may attract a higher charge.
All baggage must be properly packed in suitcases or other suitable containers in order to ensure that it is sufficiently robust and well secured to withstand the usual and normal rigours of carriage by air.
At selected hotel destinations we offer a Resort Flight Check-in Service (“Service”), which will, subject to these terms, enable you on the last day of your holiday to check your baggage in and collect your boarding passes at a baggage check-in point at your hotel. We will then securely transport your checked-in baggage to the baggage reclaim area of your return airport. Exclusions: Service available only to Jet2holidays customers at selected participating hotels. Baggage allowance restrictions apply. This Service is not available for hand luggage. Service availability periods will apply. Full service details and requirements will be available at participating hotels. We reserve the right in our discretion to suspend or withdraw the Service in whole or part and/or to change its scope or availability, in each case without notice and for any commercial, operational, security, regulatory or other reason. The Service is provided on a complimentary basis and does not form part of the cost of your holiday. Non-availability of the Service for any reason will result in no cash equivalent or entitlement by any person to any benefit, monetary or otherwise.
18. Baggage Restrictions
You are not permitted to carry the following items in cabin or checked-in baggage:
- items which are likely to endanger the aircraft or persons or property on board the aircraft, such as those specified in the rules relating to carriage of dangerous goods issued by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and our own related Regulations (such rules and Regulations are available from us on request);
- items which are prohibited from being carried by the applicable laws, regulations or orders of any country to be flown from, to or over (e.g. foodstuffs);
- items which in our reasonable opinion are unsuitable for carriage by reason of their weight, size or character or which are fragile or perishable or which may affect the safety, health or comfort of other passengers or crew, this may include hot or strong smelling foods and drinks;
- firearms and ammunition
You are not permitted to carry the following items in checked-in baggage, but may do so in cabin baggage; namely fragile or perishable items, money, jewellery, precious metals, silverware, computers, electronic devices, cameras, bottled alcohol, cigarettes, cigars or tobacco, high value new cosmetics and perfumes, other highly desirable items, medication that may be required during your journey, house or car keys, negotiable papers, securities or other valuables, business documents, samples, passports and other identification documents. Please be aware that we have been instructed by the UK government to put new security measures and hand luggage restrictions in place on all our flights from Turkey to the UK. This means that if you’re departing from Antalya, Bodrum or Dalaman, you must put large phones, laptops, e-readers, tablets or other large electronic devices in your checked-in baggage. Further information is available at http://www.jet2.com/turkey-travel-information
You must not include in your cabin baggage replica or toy weapons, explosives or anything containing explosives (e.g. Christmas crackers, fireworks or fire crackers) and incendiary materials; knives of any kind/type/shape or size; letter openers; metal cutlery; catapults; slingshots, razor blades and straight razor blades (excluding safety razors and accompanying cartridge blades); tradesmen’s tools; darts; scissors; nail files; hypodermic needles and syringes (unless required for medical reasons and accompanied by a medical certificate confirming the medical condition necessitating carriage); knitting needles; corkscrews; sporting bats and clubs (e.g. baseball and softball bats, golf clubs, cricket bats, tennis, badminton and squash racquets); hard sporting balls (e.g. cricket, field hockey or billiard, snooker or pool balls); billiard, snooker or pool cues; martial arts devices.
In addition, you must not include in your cabin baggage any article which, in our opinion or the opinion of airport security personnel, might be used as, or adapted for use as, a weapon with the potential to cause injury or incapacitation or to represent any other security or safety threat.
If any items referred to above are carried, whether or not they are prohibited from carriage as baggage, the carriage thereof shall be subject to the charges, limitations of liability and other provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
Weapons such as antique firearms, swords, knives and similar items may, at our reasonable discretion, be accepted as checked-in baggage in accordance with our Regulations, but are not allowed into the aircraft cabin.
If an item of cabin baggage becomes checked-in baggage (whether at your request or because we require it), you must immediately remove from it all items which are prohibited from inclusion in checked-in baggage. You may carry such items as cabin baggage, but only if you comply with our requirements (where applicable) regarding contents and size and weight of cabin baggage.
You may not bring on board alcohol for the purposes of consumption whilst on the aircraft. Only alcoholic drinks purchased on board may be consumed during the flight. Jet2.com reserves the right to serve alcoholic drinks to customers at our absolute discretion.
19. Right to Refuse Baggage
We may refuse carriage of any item that is prohibited from carriage as either checked-in baggage or cabin baggage. We may refuse to carry as baggage any item because of its size, shape, weight or character. We may refuse to accept baggage for carriage if, at check-in, it appears not to be properly packed in suitcases or other suitable containers to ensure safe carriage with ordinary care in handling.
20. Right to Search
For reasons of safety, health and security, and to check that you are not carrying in your baggage any prohibited items, we and/or airport security personnel may search, screen and x-ray your baggage with or without your presence. If you do not comply with such requirement we may refuse to carry you and/or your baggage and this is without refund or other liability to you. We will not be liable for any damage resulting from such activity unless it was caused solely by our negligence.
Please note that the security authorities of some countries require that checked-in baggage is secured in such a manner that it can be opened without the possibility of causing damage in the absence of the passenger. It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of and comply with any such requirements.
You agree that if required, you must attend the inspection of your checked-in and/or cabin baggage, by customs or other Government officials. We are not liable to you for any loss or damage suffered by you through your failure to comply with this requirement, or through the actions of customs or other Government officials, unless it is due solely to our negligence.
21. Collection and Delivery of Checked-in Baggage
You shall collect your baggage as soon as it is available for collection at each place of destination or stopover. If it is not claimed within what we consider to be a reasonable time, we may charge a storage fee and, if not collected within 100 days of the time it was made available for collection, we may dispose of it and retain for our benefit any proceeds without notice or any liability to you.
If the person claiming baggage is unable, on request, to produce a baggage identification tag for identification of the baggage, we will make the baggage available to such person only on condition that he or she establishes to our satisfaction his or her right thereto, and if required by us, such person shall furnish adequate security to indemnify us for any loss, damage or expense which may be incurred by us as a result of such delivery. We accept no responsibility for making anything other than limited enquiries of the person claiming the baggage when assessing the right to collection.
Acceptance of baggage by the bearer of the baggage identification tag without complaint at the time of delivery is prima facie evidence that the baggage has been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the contract of carriage, unless you prove otherwise.
Should your checked-in baggage not travel on your flight for whatever reason, but arrive on a later flight, you may be required to collect it from the airport, in person. Any charges associated with you doing so for any airport outside of the United Kingdom will be at your own cost.
22. Removed Items of Baggage
We accept no responsibility for any items of your baggage that are removed by Government policy, airport or security personnel acting in accordance with applicable regulations. If you are aware of the removal of items from your baggage by airport security personnel, it is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain a receipt from the relevant personnel and make arrangements for collection of such items later.
23. Conduct on Board Aircraft and at Airport and Safety
We are a family friendly airline and our customers have the right to enjoy their travel experience in comfort. As part of our “On Board Together” campaign and as a signatory of the UK Aviation Industry Code of Practice on Disruptive Passengers, we take a zero tolerance stance with regard to any person who threatens the safety, comfort and wellbeing of customers and staff.
You must behave appropriately at all times whilst in the airport and on board the aircraft. In particular (but not limited to these examples) you must not:
- contravene any applicable law (e.g. by being drunk on board an aircraft);
- conduct yourself aboard the aircraft so as to endanger the aircraft or any person or property on board;
- obstruct the crew in the performance of their duties;
- fail to comply with any instruction of the crew;
- use any threatening, abusive or insulting words or actions towards the crew or other passengers;
- behave in a disorderly manner or in a manner to which other Passengers may reasonably object;
- fail to comply with the terms of any document signed by you following contravention of one or more of the preceding conditions on a previous flight with us.
If, in our reasonable opinion, you have failed to behave appropriately either in the airport or on board the aircraft or we consider you unfit to fly:
- you may be prosecuted for offences committed on board the aircraft;
- we may decide (in our reasonable discretion) to cancel your flight prior to take-off and/or, after take-off;
- divert the aircraft to offload you, in which case you must pay to us all costs and expenses which we incur of any nature whatsoever as a result of or arising out of that diversion;
- we may decide to cancel any return flight or other future flights you have with us, without refund;
- we may take any other measures we deem necessary to prevent continuation of your inappropriate conduct, including your restraint or removal from the aircraft or airport.
In all of the above circumstances, you shall not be refunded the price of your booking, and we shall not be liable for any costs you incur as a result of us refusing carriage.
You will indemnify us for all costs and expenses (including the legal costs we incur in bringing any action against you) arising from your improper conduct on board the aircraft including (but not limited to) any damage caused to the aircraft.
We reserve the right to request that you undertake a breath test procedure at any time prior to travel. If you either refuse to take the test or fail the test, we reserve the right to refuse you permission to travel. Notwithstanding this right, even if you pass the test we still remain entitled to act in accordance with clause 23.2 in our absolute discretion.
Only alcoholic drinks purchased on board may be consumed during the flight. Jet2.com reserves the right to serve alcoholic drinks to customers at our absolute discretion.
24. Refusal to Carry and Removal of Passengers
In addition to section 23 above, we may refuse to carry you or your baggage in the following circumstances:
- such action is necessary for reasons of safety and/or security and/or to comply with any applicable laws, regulations or orders of any country to be flown from, into or over including laws or regulations relating to Advance Passenger Information requirements;
- your conduct, age or mental or physical condition or the physical condition of your baggage is such as to require our special assistance (save where the “Special Assistance” provisions of these Terms and Conditions apply), or to cause harm, discomfort or make yourself objectionable to other passengers or crew; or involve any hazard or risk to yourself or other persons or to property;
- you are drunk or under the influence of drink or drugs;
- if you are, or we reasonably believe you are, in unlawful possession of drugs;
- you have threatened, insulted, abused or acted in a disorderly way (either by words or action) towards ground staff, a member of the crew or our other passengers;
- you have committed misconduct on a previous flight and we believe that such conduct may be repeated;
- you have refused to submit to a security check or you have not observed, or may fail to observe, instructions given by ground staff or a member of crew with respect to safety or security;
- the applicable fare or any charges or taxes payable have not been paid, or credit arrangements agreed between us and you (or the person paying the fare) have not been complied with;
- you do not appear to be properly documented or any of our documentation presented by you appears to have been acquired unlawfully, or reported as being lost or stolen, or counterfeit, or altered by anyone other than us or our authorised agent, or mutilated, it being understood by you that we have no duty to make any enquiries when determining whether to permit you to travel, and that we have the right to retain such documentation;
- the person who presents for check-in or boarding cannot prove that he or she is the person named as the passenger in the booking.
We will be entitled to refuse to carry you or your baggage if we have given you a banning notice and you have bought your ticket (or someone has bought the ticket on your behalf) while the ban applies. By a banning notice we mean a written notice informing you that you are banned from being carried on flights operated by Jet2.com. This notice will specify the period for which the ban applies. If you try to travel while a ban is in force, we will refuse to carry you and you will not be entitled to any refund.
If we refuse to carry you, we may pass on your booking details and the reason we have refused to carry you to other airlines for their information. This in turn may make it difficult for you to book other airline tickets.
25. Change my booking
Once you have checked-in (whether on-line or in person at the airport) you may only change your booking through the call centre. It will not be possible to change your booking through Manage My Booking at this stage.
We do not allow any requests to change your point of departure or destination. If you wish to change these by making a new booking then you will forfeit all monies paid.
Even though bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable, we do allow name changes made through our call centre or authorised agents, or made in person at the passenger sales desk at the airport provided these are made at least 4 hours prior to the scheduled departure time shown on your itinerary and that the requested change is for the whole itinerary for the relevant passenger (a “Name Change”). You will need to provide the full name, address and contact e-mail address and telephone number for the new passenger(s) and we will send them a confirmation e mail and itinerary. If the name change being made is not a change of person, but to correct a mistake made at the time of making the original booking, then the appropriate charges will still be levied.
We also allow changes to your departure time and your departure dates (a “Date Change”) made on line at www.Jet2.com up to 5 hours before the original scheduled departure time, made in person at the departure sales desk at least 2 hours before the original scheduled departure time or made through our call centre at least 4 hours before the original scheduled departure time. This is of course subject to flight availability at the time of making the change.
For a Date Change you will have to pay the following amendment charges:
- an administration fee (please refer to the FAQs on www.Jet2.com for details of current charges);
- the difference (if any) in price between the original booking and the price applicable to the new booking. Your new booking price is calculated at the time you make the amendment so this may mean that the fare for your new flight and the related taxes, fees and charges may be different. Note that if there is no increase in price then you will not be required to pay any more, but that if the new price is less than that for your original booking you will not be eligible for any refund. There may be exceptions to this where the original booking was part of a promotion as the discount may be repayable so the associated terms and conditions should be referred to in each case.
You are entitled to make one Name Change per booking where you will have to pay only an administration fee for this name change (please refer to the FAQs on www.Jet2.com for details of current charges). For each additional or subsequent Name Change, you will have to pay the following amendment charges:
- an administration fee (please refer to the FAQs on www.Jet2.com for details of current charges);
- the difference (if any) in price between the original booking and the price applicable to the new booking. Your new booking price is calculated at the time you make the amendment so this may mean that the fare for your new flight and the related taxes, fees and charges may be different. Note that if there is no increase in price then you will not be required to pay any more, but that if the new price is less than that for your original booking you will not be eligible for any refund. There may be exceptions to this where the original booking was part of a promotion as the discount may be repayable so the associated terms and conditions should be referred to in each case.
The administration fee payable for each Name Change or Date Change requested during the same call to our call centre will be subject to the cap specified in the FAQs on www.Jet2.com . This cap will not apply for Name Changes or Date Changes made on www.Jet2.com or for Name Changes or Date Changes made during separate calls to our call centre.
26. Cancellation, rerouting, delays
The time of flight departures and the duration of flights are not guaranteed. For operational, commercial, safety or security reasons or because of unusual or unforeseen and/or extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided by us by taking reasonable measures (including without limitation bad weather, air traffic control restrictions, strikes, volcanic eruptions or ash clouds, aircraft inspection required due to bird strike or other foreign object damage, unexpected flight safety shortcomings, passenger or crew sickness, potential health hazards, war/political instability, airspace closure or because of actual or prospective loss or restriction of air traffic rights available to UK airlines as a result of implementation of the UK’s decision to leave the EU) we may cancel, terminate, divert, re-route, postpone or delay any flight or cease operations on any route without liability to you for any compensation or damages due to loss or damage you may suffer as a result of such flight cancellation, amendment or delay.
If we decide to cancel, terminate, divert, re-route, postpone or delay your flight, or cease operations on the route your flight forms part of, after your itinerary/receipt has been issued and this is known to us more than 48 hours in advance, we will try to notify you of such change using the email address you advised at the time of booking. You must therefore regularly check your email account and notify us if you change your email address. If we receive an email failure notice or no email address has been provided, we will send notification to the advised postal address. The lead name in the booking is responsible for notifying any changes to all other passengers in the booking. Where you have been notified by us in advance (to the contact details provided in the booking) of any change to your booking, we will not be liable for any missed departure by anyone in the booking.
Except as provided for by law, including where applicable, Regulation (EC) 261/2004 the price paid for the booked flight(s) is non-refundable including any taxes, fees or charges which may have been collected in respect of such flights.
We strongly recommend all passengers travelling put in place appropriate personal travel insurance from the date of booking. Jet2.com offers personal travel insurance to cover you whilst on your holiday and also cancellation cover should you be unable to travel. Customers can purchase a policy on-line via the link on the “Travel Extras” page on our website or by visiting www.jet2insurance.com.
27. Aircraft
We do not guarantee your flight will be operated by any aircraft specified in our timetable and reserve the right to substitute aircraft as may be necessary from time to time. Sometimes, we may need to change the aircraft type or use another airline’s aircraft and in these circumstances we can not guarantee that you will always receive the same level of in-flight service and baggage allowances as Jet2.com provides.
28. Cancellation by you
If you decide to cancel your whole booking or to cancel an individual passenger in your party, we do not provide any refund and strongly recommend all people travelling put in place appropriate personal travel insurance from the date of booking.
We strongly recommend all passengers travelling put in place appropriate personal travel insurance from the date of booking. Jet2.com offers personal travel insurance to cover you whilst on your holiday and also cancellation cover should you be unable to travel. Customers can purchase a policy on-line via the link on the “Travel Extras” page on our website or by visiting www.jet2insurance.com.
If you need a statement of non-travel from us for insurance purposes we will provide this free of charge.
To avoid losing your money altogether, we recommend you consider changing the name on your booking to someone else who can travel in your place and/or to consider changing the dates of travel in accordance with sections 25.3 – 25.5. For more information on how to make a change please read our FAQs on www.Jet2.com .
29. Denied Boarding
If we are unable to provide you with previously confirmed space on any flight (other than where you are refused carriage pursuant to these Terms and Conditions), we shall provide you with compensation in accordance with our denied boarding compensation policy and applicable law, including Regulation (EC) 261/2004 if applicable, details of which are available on request at the airport from our staff or appointed representatives.
30. Our Liability
We will have no liability to you except in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the Convention for the Unification of Carriage of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed in Montreal, 1999 (the “Montreal Convention”) and where applicable, Regulation (EC) 261/2004. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this clause shall restrict any liability that we may have under the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
Your contract of carriage with us (including these Terms and Conditions and all applicable exclusions and limits of liability) applies for the benefit of our authorised agents, servants, employees and representatives to the same extent as they apply to us. As a result, the total amount recoverable from us and our authorised agents, servants, employees and representatives will not be more than our own liability, if any.
We will have no liability to you regarding any product or services you book through us, as agent for the supplier thereof, unless caused solely by our negligence, save as provided for expressly under the Montreal Convention, Regulation (EC) 261/2004 as applicable, and any other applicable laws.
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions gives up or waives any exclusion or limitation of our liability available under the Montreal Convention or applicable local law unless otherwise expressly stated in writing by us; or prevents us from excluding or limiting our liability under the Montreal Convention or under any other laws which apply, or gives up any defence available to us there under against any public social security body or any person liable to pay, or who has paid, compensation for the death, wounding or other bodily injury of a passenger.
30.2 Death/Personal Injury
Our liability for compensatory damages you are entitled to recover for proven losses and costs sustained by you in the event of death, wounding or other bodily injury caused by an accident is subject to rules and limitations set out in the Montreal Convention, EC Regulation 2027/97, and these Terms and Conditions.
30.3 Loss of or damage to Baggage
Our liability for compensatory damages you are entitled to recover for proven losses and costs in the event of loss of, or damage to, or delay of, your checked-in baggage, and cabin baggage/personal property carried by you aboard the aircraft, is subject to rules and limitations set out in the Montreal Convention, EC Regulation 2027/97, and these Terms and Conditions, generally as follows.
- We will not be liable for loss of or damage to cabin/unchecked baggage unless caused by our negligence.
- We will not be liable for loss of or damage to any cabin baggage and/or checked-in baggage resulting from inherent defect, quality or vice of the baggage. Likewise, we will not be liable for fair wear and tear of baggage resulting from the usual and normal rigours of transportation by air.
- We will not be liable for any loss of or damage to any item included in your cabin baggage and/or checked-in baggage which you are prohibited from carrying under these Terms and Conditions or applicable law on the basis that the loss arose solely from your own contributory negligence.
- Our maximum liability for loss of or damage to cabin baggage and checked-in baggage is limited to the local currency equivalent of 1,131 Special Drawing Rights per passenger unless you prove that the loss or damage resulted from our act or omission either done with the intention of to cause it or recklessly and with knowledge that it would probably result.
- We will increase our liability to you for loss or damage to your checked-in baggage to an amount specified by you and agreed by us at the time you hand your checked-in baggage to us at check-in, but only if you pay to us an additional charge calculated at the rate of 5GBP/ 8EUR/ 11CHF/ 250CZK/ 60NOK/ 30PLN per each 50GBP/ 80EUR/ 110CHF/ 2500CZK/ 600NOK/ 300PLN (or part thereof) you wish to add to the 1,131 Special Drawing Rights limit up to a maximum amount of 1,500GBP /2250EUR /3300CHF /72000CZK /18000NOK/ 9000PLN in excess of the local currency equivalent of that limit.
30.4 Delay
Our liability for a claim caused by delay in your carriage by air is limited by the Montreal Convention. Where that Convention does not apply, we will have no liability to you for delay, except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions or by applicable law, including where applicable, Regulation (EC) 261/2004, and as limited by the Montreal Convention.
30.5 US Required Liability Notice
Wherever liability for your journey does not rest with us and the Montreal Convention does not apply and the carrier has not waived the Warsaw Convention limits for death or bodily injury and the defence that it has taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage up to the national currency equivalent of 113,100 Special Drawing Rights of any such claim, the Warsaw Convention and special contracts of carriage embodied in applicable tariffs provide that the liability of such carriers for death of or personal injury to passengers is limited in most cases to proven damages not to exceed: (i) US$75,000 per passenger in the case of journeys to, from, or with an agreed stopping place in the USA, and that this liability up to such limit shall not depend on negligence on the part of the carrier; and (ii) US$10,000 or US$20,000 in the case of journeys not to, from, or with an agreed stopping place in the USA.
The names of carriers party to such special contracts are available at all ticket offices of such carriers and may be examined on request. Additional protection can usually be obtained by purchasing insurance from a private company. Such insurance is not affected by any limitation of the carrier’s liability under the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention or such special contracts of carriage. For further information, please consult your airline or insurance company representatives.
Note: The above US$75,000 limits of liability is inclusive of legal fees/costs except that in case of a claim brought in a country where a provision is made for separate award of legal fees/costs, the limit shall be US$58,000 exclusive of legal fees/costs.
31. Notice of Claims
31.1 Damage to Checked-in Baggage
You should report any damage to your checked baggage and obtain and complete a Property Irregularity Report prior to leaving the airport. You must then notify us as soon as possible in writing of any damage to your baggage and, in any event, no later than the expiry of 7 days of receipt of that baggage. If you fail to notify us within these timescales then no action shall lie against us.
31.2 Delay or loss of Checked-in Baggage
You should report any delay or loss of your checked-in baggage and obtain and complete a Property Irregularity Report prior to leaving the airport. You must then notify us as soon as possible in writing of the delay to or loss of your baggage and, in any event, no later than the expiry of 21 days of the date on which your baggage should have been received. If you fail to notify us within these timescales then no action shall lie against us.
In each case your notification must include an itemised list identifying each affected item and giving a description which includes the manufacturer and age of item together with proof of purchase and evidence of ownership in each case. We will deduct an amount from your claim in respect of depreciation where we believe it to be appropriate. In the case of a compensation claim for physical damage to baggage, you must retain the damaged baggage and produce it to us at our request in order that we may examine it to assess the nature and extent of the damage and whether the baggage is capable of repair. In the event that you wish to claim for the cost of replacing an individual item which forms part of a claim for damage to baggage, you must consult us before incurring the replacement cost, otherwise it may not be included in the compensation payable to you. You must include proof of purchase of the replacement items when making your claim. In respect of all claims for damages concerning your baggage, you must provide us with all the information we request to assess the eligibility of your claim and the amount of damages payable. If we require you to do so, you must sign a statement of truth regarding the facts and value of your claim for damage to your baggage before we make the payment to you. If you fail to comply with these requirements, you may adversely affect the amount of compensation to which you are entitled.
31.4 Time Limits to bring a Claim
The provisions in this section 31 are subject always to the provisions in section 32 (Time Limits).
32. Time limits
An action for any claim you have under European Commission (EC) Regulation 261/2004 must be brought within 6 years of the date on which your claim accrued, in accordance with section 9 of the Limitation Act 1980. Any right to any other compensation and/or damages and/or any other relief whatsoever in relation to your booking shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within two years of the date of arrival at destination, or the date on which the aircraft was scheduled to arrive, or the date on which the carriage stopped.
33. Choice of law and jurisdiction
Unless otherwise provided by the Montreal Convention or any applicable law, government regulations, orders or requirements:
These Terms and Conditions and any carriage which we agree to provide you with (in respect of yourself and/or your baggage) shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
Any dispute between you and us concerning or arising out of such carriage in any way whatsoever, including any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
“Non-exclusive jurisdiction” means that you may bring a claim against us in a jurisdiction outside of the courts of England and Wales. “Non-Contractual obligations” means obligations that do not arise from the specific provisions of these Terms and Conditions but arise as a result of English legal principles.
34. Use of my data
For full details of how we may use your data please view our Privacy Policy which can be viewed here.
35. How to contact us
We try to resolve any issues brought to our attention as soon as possible so it is important that you tell us if you are not happy so that you give us the opportunity to resolve your issue at the time. If for any reason this is not possible or we have been unable to resolve your issue to your satisfaction please write to us at Jet2.com Limited, Customer Care Team, PO Box 284, Leeds LS11 1GE, England. Please allow 28 days for a full response. We can also be contacted by email at customer.service@jet2.com..
36. Amendments
These Terms and Conditions may be amended by us from time to time and will be updated on this website accordingly.
37. Meaning of expressions
“You” and “your” refers to any person booked to fly with Jet2.com and, where the context so requires, shall refer to the lead name in any booking which includes more than one person, and in all cases shall also include any person who becomes part of a booking by reason of a Name Change.
“We”, “our” and “us” refers to Jet2.com.
Jet2.com refers to Jet2.com Limited, Registered Company Number: 2739537, Registered Company Address: Low Fare Finder House, Leeds Bradford International Airport, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS19 7TU, VAT Number GB 355 5672 31.
These conditions were last updated on 5 April 2018.